Here’s a collection of links to a range of resources concerning Cornish/Breton hosted by others. Links most recently checked in December 2023.
Ottobma nebes asnodhow ha folednow dro dhe Kernowek po Bretonek, gwres ha gorrys war linen gen tus erel. My a wrug checkya an kevrednow rag an diwettha pres en mis Kevardhu, 2023.
An tavas
Bibliographies and collectionsRolyow levrow ha cuntellow
- Articles byArtiklow gen Ken George on aspects of language’dro dhe’n tavas
- Articles and books byArtiklow ha levrow gen Peter Pool (1933–1996)
Dictionaries and vocabularyGerlevrow ha geryow
- Official SWF online dictionaryGerlever sodhogel an FSS
- Official versions of Cornish place namesVersyons sodhogel a’n henwyn teller a Gernow as authorised by the Cornish Language Partnership/Akademi Kernewekgwres gen Maga po an Academy Kernowek
Modern (“Late”) CornishKernowek Bew (Kernowek “Diwedhes”)
- Jan Lobb’s blogBlog gen Jan Lobb (beginners’–intermediate-level texts in SWF/LTtestednow rag dallethoryon po descoryon gen tabm prevyans, scrifys en FSS/DH)
- Dan Prohaska’s audio courseDescanjow hep scrifa gen Dan Prohaska
- Lessons for beginnersDescanjow rag dallethoryon in a pre-SWF orthographya ujy usya letherednans gwres kens an FSS
- The Cornish Language Council’s websiteGwiasva Cussel an Tavas Kernowek, contains resources in SWF/LTa ujy usya FSS/DH
SWF and spelling debatesFSS ha letherednans
- Nebes geryow adro dhe’n SWF (short filmfilm berr, 2014)
- Critical commentary on the SWF process“Golok dhyscryjyk ort dasserghyans an eth Kernowek”
- Miscellaneous documents relating to spellingRestrednow divers kelmys ort an letherednanjow, including some dictionariesgen nebes gerlevrow
Kernowek Standard and UCRha KUA
Language technologyTeknologieth an eth
- David Trethewey’s websiteGwiasva Davydh Trethewey with NLP tools for Cornishgen daffar besyel rag Kernowek
Public domain booksLevrow coth
- Norris: Sketch of Cornish grammar (1859)
- Jenner: A handbook of the Cornish language (1904)
- Small collection of articlesUdn po dew artikel on the language’s influence on Anglo-Cornish dialect’dro dhe fatel a wrug Kernowek gorra nebes taklow et an Sowsnek a ujy clappyes en Kernow
MediaSonyow ha videos
- Radyo an Gernewgva: weekly radio programme in Cornish, plus YouTube videostowlenn radyo en Kernowek, ha videos ort YouTube
- Kernowpalooza: television special in Modern Cornishtowlenn TV en Kernowek Bew (1998)
- Video of a wedding in Cornish in 1964Video a dhemedhyans en Kernowek en 1964
- Pawl Dunbar’s Cornwall (pay to viewres ew pe rag y weles)
Other topics
Taklow erel
- Canow Kernow: folk songs from Cornwall as published in the book of the same name by Inglis Gundrycanow hengovek dhort Kernow, tednes ort lever Inglis Gundry gen an keth hanow (1966)
- Kesson: database of Cornish session tunesmeur a donyow dhort Kernow
- An Daras: information on Cornish music and other local customskedhlow ’dro dhe ilow a Gernow ha gisyow erel a’n pow
- Davies Gilbert: Some ancient Christmas carols with the tunes to which they were formerly sung in the west of England (1822)
- Information on Cornish bagpipesKedhlow ’dro dhe pibow Kernow
- Various papersLies scrifow on Cornish politics and identity’dro dhe bolitegieth ha honanieth en Kernow
- Transcript of parliamentary debateDadhelva a’n senedh a’n Ruvaneth Unys on Cornish identity/census tickbox’dro dhe honanieth en Kernow hag an niveryans kenedhlek
MiscellaneousTaklow dyvers
- Bernard Deacon’s Cornish studies resources siteGwiasva Bernard Deacon gen meur a asnodhow rag studhyanjow Kernow
An tavas
Many of these links were initially provided by Tanguy Solliec, and are reproduced here with gratitude.
Tanguy Solliec a wrug rei dhebm broassa radn an kevrednow ma; res ew dhebm grassa dhodho.
BibliographiesRolyow levrow
- Index toRol an artiklow en La Bretagne Linguistique (linguistic journal about the languages of Brittany)(jornal ’dro dhe ethonieth an tavajow clappyes en Breten Vian)
- Bibliography on specific dialectsRol levrow hag artiklow ’dro dhe’n radnethow
- List of dictionaries available onlineRol a erlevrow a ell boas gwelys warlinen
- Lexilogos: links to various dictionariesgwiasva gen henwyn meur a erlevrow warlinen
- Brezhoneg Bev: online dictionary with sound filesgerlever warlinen gen sonyow
- Devri: historical corpus with definitionscorf a’n tavas leun a ensamplys coth ha styryanjow
- TermOfis: terms officially recommended by the OPLBgeryow sodhogel, cussulyes gen an OPAB
- Arbres: academically rigorous wiki on Breton grammar with data from many dialectswiki academek ’dro dhe’n gramer a Vretonek gen esamplys dhort lies radnethow
- Komzoù brezhoneg: videos of dialectal Bretonvideos le ma’n tus o usya an radnethow
- Brezhoneg Bew: audio of dialectal Breton from central Brittanyensamplys sonscrifys a’n radneth neb ew clappyes en cres Breten Vian
Corpora and linguistic atlasesCorfow ha mappys a’n tavas
- “Speaking dictionariesGerlevrow a ujy o clappya” with data from particular locationsgen ensamplys dhort leow comparek
- Atlas linguistique de la Basse-Bretagne (1927)
- Sound files forSonyow a ujy o moas gen Nouvel atlas linguistique de la Basse-Bretagne (2014)
- Various examples of dialectsEnsamplys a radnethow dyvers
- Corpus de la parole (corpus from around France, including regional languagescorf a’n tavajow clappyes en pow Frenk ettien)
- Fañch Broudic's blogBlog gen Fañch Broudic
- Françoise Morvan’s blogBlog gen Françoise Morvan with critical commentary on the Breton movementa ujy cably an movyans bretonek
- Special issue ofVersyon arbednek a’n International Journal of the Sociology of Language on Breton and particularly “néo-breton” (requires institutional access)’dro dhe Vretonek hag an “bretonek nowedh” en arbednek (res ew boas esel a neb pednscol rag y weles)
Media in BretonSonyow ha videos en Bretonek
- Radio Breizh: associative radio in Bretonradyo en Bretonek nag ew menestrys gen an Stat
- An taol lagad: daily news programme in Breton on local television, with French subtitlestowlenn nowodhow neb ew gwres pep dedh rag an TV en Breten Vian, gen treylyans scrifys in Frenkek
- Brezhoweb: videos in Bretonvideos en Bretonek
- Gwagenn: videos in Bretonvideos en Bretonek
- Kaouenn: videos and audio in Bretonvideos ha sonyow en Bretonek
- BreizhVOD: videos in Breton (pay to view)videos en Bretonek (res ew pe rag y weles)
Learning materialsAsnodhow rag desky
- Audio fromSonyow dhort Colloquial Breton (Press andhag Ar Bihan, 2003)
- Diouzhtu: basic lessonsdescanjow rag dallethoryon
- Hiziv an deiz: basic lessonsdescanjow rag dallethoryon
- Kervarker: basic lessonsdescanjow rag dallethoryon
- DAO: basic lessonsdescanjow rag dallethoryon
- Skol Ober: lessons at various levels (subscription service)descanjow (res ew pe)
Public domain books and digitised resourcesLevrow coth hag asnodhow beyselhys
- Le Catholicon (1499 and subsequent editionsha dyllanjow diwettha)
- Percy Treasure: An introduction to Breton grammar (1903)
- Digitised resourcesAsnodhow besyelhys from the CRBC at Brest Universitygen KEBK pednscol Brest
- Digitised resourcesAsnodhow besyelhys from Rennes 2 Universitygen pednscol Roazhon 2
- Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’Ouest (journal about Breton historyjornal ’dro dhe istory Breten Vian)
- Embann an Hirwaz: digital versions of Breton literature from the early revitalisation periodversyons besyelhys a lien dhort kensa radn an 20ves cansvledhen
- Brezhoneg ar pobl: focus on dialectal Bretonle ma an dus o clappya ’dro dhe’n radnethow en arbednek
- Academia Celtica: general discussion of Celtic issues, but particularly Bretonle ma an dus o clappya ’dro dhe taklow keltek, bes an Bretonek en arbednek
Online shopsGwerthjiow warlinen
- Klask: items from various publisherstaklow gwres gen dylloryon dyvers
- Coop Breizh: good shop for a variety of Breton-related books and other resourcesgwerthji da gen meur a levrow ’dro dhe Vretonek ha taklow erel
Other videosVideos erel
GalloTavas gallo
- List of resourcesRol asnodhow relating to Gallo’dro dhe’n tavas gallo
- Article on GalloArtikel ’dro dhe’n tavas gallo from the 1980sdyllys dres an bledhenyow 1980
Other topics
Taklow erel
- Dastum: information on Breton musickedhlow ’dro dhe ilow Breten Vian
- Site with information on traditional songsGwiasva gen kedhlow ’dro dhe ganow hengovek
- collection of traditional songsrol a ganow hengovek
- Kan iliz: sacred music in Brittanyilow an eglos en Breten Vian
- Collection of political graffitiTaklow scrifys et an stretys a ujy o clappya ’dro dhe'n bolitiegeth
- Information and images relating to anarcho-regionalismTabm kedhlow ’dro dhe’n dirowlyans en Breten Vian gen imajys
- The Mémoires of Célestin LainéMémoires gen Célestin Lainé, right-wing Breton nationalist in the early 20th centuryesel a v/Bezen Perrot