Some miscellaneous Cornish-related resources/tools/other items I’ve created.
Ottobma nebes asnodhow ha toulys rag Kernowek, gwres gena vy.
- Collection of Ken MacKinnon’s writings on Cornish, edited and distributed in collaboration with the author, 2019.
- Cuntel an scrifow a Ken MacKinnon dro dhe Gernowek, parujys ha gorrys war linen gena vy oja nei dhe wonis warbarth warno in 2019.
- Rol dyllanjow dro dhe Gernowek, lebma eroma o assaya dhe worra oll an taklow a ellama cawas warnodho.
- Maximally inclusive bibliography on the Cornish language, (in theory) updated regularly.
- Toul rag practysya an geryow hag an frasednow, a wruga vy gwul rag classow rag dallethoryon a wruga vy desky dres 2019–20.
- Sample sentence generator for basic language practice, made for some beginners’ classes I taught in 2019–20.
- Verb conjugator following the paradigms set out by Richard Gendall in Tavas a ragadazow (2000), updated to Late/Traditional SWF orthography.
- Toul rag disqwedhes furvow an verbow herwedh an re a ujy kevys en Tavas a ragadazow (2000) gen Richard Gendall, et an scrifa composter SWF/Diwedhes/Tradycyonal.