
The list below gives my presentations at conferences and other events. Bibliographies and abstracts are currently available for most of them, as well as slides from presentations from 2023 or later. Since 2023 I’ve been using reveal.js to build presentation and teaching slides. Previously, I used Beamer, and before that, Microsoft PowerPoint.

Ottobma rol a’n arethyow vy ort kescussulyanjow ha darvojow erel. War an folenn rag kenifer areth, whei a ell gweles an berrscrif, an imajys towlys rag arethyow a wruga vy gwul anjei oja 2022, ha rol an oberow a wruga vy gwul mencyon anodhans. Theroma o usya reveal.js rag gwul an imajys ma. Kens 2023 a wruga vy usya Beamer, ha kens hedna, Microsoft PowerPoint.